Custom-made aluminum window systems are offered by companies specializing in the fabrication and installation of aluminum windows. Aluminum is ideal to be transformed into profiles of the most varied geometries, dimensions and strengths, to be able to trace and build virtually any custom-made aluminum window – as long as it is premised on certified and quality technology, to guarantee the necessary function and safety .
Without assuring the assumptions of technology and quality, custom-made aluminum windows do not guarantee functionality and safety to its user, so it is essential that the user does not get carried away by arguments that are not supported by certificates and performance reports.
AURA System has the technology and engineering to make any custom-made aluminum window system with quality and safety. AURA System belongs to the TERA Metais group, which has ISO 9000, which is why it is considered a reference in the segment of aluminum window systems.
In the Brazilian market there are manufacturers of bespoke aluminum windows, which meet the most varied requirements in architectural projects and civil construction with qualified teams and with modern manufacturing infrastructure. AURA System has among its accredited partners, window fabricators that fulfill these requirements with high quality standards and guarantee of deadlines.
The safe customization of aluminum windows requires a system with certified technology and qualified technical infrastructure, requirements that AURA System meets even with unique differentials in Brazil, such as the Thermal Break profile for high energy efficiency and environmental comfort with the possibility of customization with two-color profiles and minimalist solutions.
AURA System is a reference company in the custom made aluminum window system segment, offering high technology solutions with international certification. The company stands out for the breadth of solutions that serve from trivial installations to the most complex architectural requirements, with unique differentials such as the Thermal Break profile, for greater thermal performance and acoustic insulation. Its focus is to satisfy the wishes and needs of its customers, with guaranteed quality and punctuality.
Located in Itatiba, state of São Paulo and with a Showroom in the Pinheiros District. It is part of the Tera Metais group and is ISO 9000 certified.