In order to pass such a rigorous performance test, without reservations, is required a product that values total quality.
A fundamental element of the Birmann 32 landmark, the AURA 125 FAU facade by TERA METAIS overcame a major challenge: having its performance tested in an internationally recognized laboratory, the CRL (Construction Research Laboratory) in Miami / USA – where it was tested none other than the Petronas Towers facade, among other icons.
The unprecedented success experience for complex facades of Brazilian enterprises was carried out by the AURA System team of TERA Metais and became part of the company’s history. To give you an idea, the test prototype – representing with accuracy a large corner segment of the building’s facade – had three angles of positive and negative inclination, totaling an area of 180m².
What made this test a milestone? In addition to the tests foreseen in NBR 10.821 (air permeability, water tightness, resistance and safety) with a wind pressure of 200 kgf / m², the prototype was subjected to a dynamic pressure test with a propeller plane engine, simulating a real situation. There was also a second step of the tightness test, after the maximum efforts were applied in the strength test.
The result and the certificate, for the satisfaction of the customer, partners and of course, for the joy of our team, prove the excellence of our work.
With great pride, we at AURA System arrived at the CRL (Constrution Research Laboratory) to test our facade (AURA 125 FAU) that will be used in the iconic building, Birmann 32, which is already under construction at Av. Faria Lima) Look at the engines that will be used for the test! The assembly of the structure starting to be built-up. A lot of work ahead. Let’s start unpacking our facade. #aurasystem #b32 #birmann32 #crlmiami #itefal #terametais #miami #usa #facadeofbuildings #facades #fachadas #curtinwalls One more day of work Structure ready, time to start to put the facades in place! Created in 1955 by Alexandre “Sak” Saknnovsky and located in Miami, Florida, the CRL – Constrution Reasearch Laboratory – was the first laboratory in the world to perform curtain wall tests. Over 3500 facades and over 3500 windows, doors, roofs and other building systems have been tested here, such as Sears Towers in Chicago, World Trade Center in New York, Canary Warf in London, Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumper among others.